About Me
Hi! I'm Amanda.
I'm 29, she/her, and from the United States.I really love pokemon! Like, a lot! But when I stream, I really like to play Phasmophobia, or even Devour, as a treat! :DA disclaimer about me, though; I curse. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. It's just how my vocabulary is, so I'm not a streamer for young folks or those with more delicate sensibilities. I've also got a pretty dumb sense of humor, so that's another thing to be wary of! Unless you enjoy silly stuff like that. :3The buttons below are games I really like, and a suggestion/ask box for games y'all want to see me play, or just want to show me!
So you're curious about... Milky? :)
What's a Milky?
My adorable teddy bear! He's also... My twitch mascot!
A d o r a b l e ?
Yes! And incredibly haunted! His haunted look is actually why I bought him!
Let me tell you the story of my beautiful boy, Milky.
Goodwill. In a weird part of town. My best friend and I go in, commenting on it being a fae goodwill. We idle around and circle the store, and at some point I see up on one of the clothing rack-top shelves... him.
A sort of flat looking bear. I don't normally buy stuffed animals from thrift or used shops, since they're not the easiest things to clean. This bear, though. The haunted, accursed look in his eye. I had to have him. I didn't know how much he cost; there was no price written, he had no tag. I had to have him.
Fifty cents. Half of one US dollar.
That is how much my beautiful man cost.
We get home. I want to show off my find. I'm excited. I hide him behind my back.
I go to show my roommate. His reaction. Oh. His reaction. Let me preface this- At this point I've got a headache. A pretty nasty one. I'd taken a melon milk juice box out of the fridge, and before I opened it I had been pressing it to my temple, finding relief in the coolness of the box. So I'm holding this bear, and this juice box.
My roommate is one of the funniest people alive. He's talking about how cursed this bear is, how it looks like it's going to come for us in the night. How it's going to use grand-dad's pizza cutter to kill us. Granddad's pizza cutter, for context, is a weird little pizza wheel I picked up from a different thrift store; it's small, with a wooden handle, and looks old, thus the nickname "granddad's pizza cutter". Like the strange little goblin I am, I had to have it.
Of course, I had to go and rubber-band granddad's pizza cutter to this bear's paw.
So I'm crying laughing.
He's killing me with laughter, this guy is so fucking funny, I genuinely had tears running down my face. So at some point during this hilarious ordeal, I had decided to finally poke the straw into my milk box. My head was pounding, fit to burst, and so I tenderly tried to press the now-open box to my temple; well, I wasn't quite gentle enough, because melon milk escaped the box, and dripped right down my haunted bear's arm.
"Oh no- He's all milky!"
A look came across my face no sooner than I spoke those words.
"What if I named him Milky?"
Resounding no's, filled with disgust, were all I was met with.
A legend was born.

Games I Like
All games are linked. :)
Games I Plan to Stream!
Suggestions or future ideas?
Let me know if you want me to play any of these sooner than when I decide to on a whim! :)
○ Only Cans
○ Project Zomboid
○ The Forest
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you curse so much?
It's just how I talk! I don't drink, I don't smoke, but I sure do curse. :)
Find me in the following buttons!
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